student food drive

Student Opportunities

Faculty-Student Mentoring Program (FSMP) 

FSMP serves to support student engagement and development through undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activities. Central to these efforts is the development of long term relationships between students and their faculty mentors as they engage in academically purposeful tasks. To achieve this mission, the program supports eligible students by providing academic planning guides to help students participate in rigorous academic endeavors and activities; facilitating participation in undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activities across colleges and disciplines; offering active student academic support for these efforts through workshops and undergraduate university seminars; fostering mentoring, coaching, and other nurturing interactions among students and faculty mentors; and by presenting students with opportunities for regional and national professional forums. For more information about the mentoring program, visit or call 619-594-2209.

SOC 115 Body and Society 

Relationship between the body and society and the body as a product of complex social arrangements, interactions, and processes. The body and aging, consumer culture, dying, health, inequalities, life course, and as an object of social control and regulation.

SOC 407 Survey and Experimental Research Methods (3)

Prerequisite(s): Sociology 301. 
Research process from research design through data processing, analysis, and interpretation. Quantitative research techniques including universe enumeration, sampling, questionnaire construction, scaling techniques, structured interviews, and experimental designs. [when taught by Dr Shultz]

SOC 470 Sociological Research and Community Engagement (3)

Two lectures and two hours of activity.
Prerequisite: Sociology 301 with a grade of C (2.0) or better. 
Division of labor in sociology, theories of organizations and social change, labor market trends frame internship experience.  Students will be required to complete 45 hours of outside supervised research or internship.

SOC 480. Field Internship (3-6)

Prerequisite(s): Sociology 101. 
Supervised field placement of students in community agencies. Practical experiences related to studies within the sociology curriculum. Maximum credit six units. [this depends upon instructor]

SOC 531 Working and Society (3)

Prerequisite: Sociology 101.

Structure and change in labor force, nationally and internationally. Includes exploration of student work experiences, workers in the community, unions, and film depictions of work worlds. Course includes a community service learning project with a community labor advocacy organization.

SOC 555. Immigrants and Refugees in Contemporary American Society (3)

Prerequisite: Sociology 101.
Contemporary migration to the United States, especially from Latin America and Asia. Political and economic migration. Immigrant and refugee adaptation. Theoretical controversies, research applications, and policy implications. Course includes a volunteer requirement working with refugee and immigrants in the community.

SOC 796 Field Practicum (3) Cr/NC

Prerequisites: Sociology 601, 607, 608.
Supervised field placement in community agency. Application of sociological theories and methods to policy and research needs of agency. Maximum credit six units applicable to a master’s degree. Course offered biannually as a team research project in collaboration with community organizations.
Read more about community-based research.

Experiences of Laid-Off Workers during COVID-19

This project is a collaboration with San Diego's Employee Rights Center and Center on Policy Initiatives. We will be conducting surveys and in-depth interviews with workers who have lost their jobs during COVID-19 to understand how and why they were laid-off and what the process of recall has looked like at their job sites. This work will help inform the San Diego City Council's consideration of an extension to their current emergency regulations on recall and retention.

Students who are interested in assisting with recruiting survey participants, conducting surveys or conducting in-depth interviews should contact Jill Esbenshade at [email protected].

The Sociology of Education Research Lab

Operating in collaboration with the CCRE, this research lab provides opportunities for faculty and students in sociology and their colleagues to engage in research focused on the needs of the K-12 and higher ed communities. Faculty with particular interests in this area include: Dr. Audrey Beck, Dr. Charlene Holkenbrink-Monk, Rachael Horn-Langford, Dr. Jung Choi, and Dr. Norah Shultz.

Learn more about the lab.

Graduate students may also can participate in funded research projects. Currently one MA candidate is funded by a National Science Foundation Grant for which Dr. Shultz serves as a co-PI. This project is investigating the barriers that minoritized students face regarding foundational mathematics as a preparatory course for Engineering. The graduate student will be conducting and assisting in the analysis of focus groups with first-year students.

The Dignified Learning Project is driven by a single goal--to do their part in making the world a better place for all. They plan to do so by making education equitable for all students. They believe that a single action can make a difference in a community, and that collective action can greatly impact the education system and the world. Through advocacy, training, and outreach activities, their team works tirelessly each day to contribute their part to the greater good.

Students have the opportunity to be engaged in a variety of internship opportunities. They include:

  • Community outreach, which includes contacting other organizations for partnerships
  • Marketing and social media, which allows us to highlight our opportunities and services
  • Administrative, which will work closely with organizational leadership
  • Academic coaching, which will provide services such as tutoring, study sessions, and general academic support
  • Fundraising, which will help The DLP with raising money to support programs and staff

Our Facebook page:
Our Twitter: @DignifiedLP
Our Instagram: @DignifiedLearningProject

Engaged Sociology in the University and Community
Monday, December 7, 2020

Learn more about this event

The Dignified Learning Project 3rd Annual “Praxis in Education” National Student Conference
February 2021

This conference invites graduate/undergraduate students from across the country to present their work (research paper, paintings, poems, and other artistic work) influenced by Paulo Freire and other writers in Critical Pedagogy. 

Students interested in reviewing submissions, program design, marketing, moderating, and/or overall organizing of the conference should contact Jung Choi at [email protected]


Photo on far right by Mimi Thian on Unsplash