Core Faculty
Audrey N. Beck
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Duke University
Timothy C. Brown
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Louisiana State University
"My research seeks to examine the role individual, social, and environmental inequalities have in criminality, victimization, and navigating the criminal justice system. More specifically I examine how marginalized or minority groups and their communities are impacted by crime and the criminal justice system."
Jung Min Choi
Ph.D., York University, Toronto
"Over the past thirty years, my work has focused on community-based research. I have written on topics such as participatory budgeting where the community members are central to the project, have co-founded a 501(c)3 non-profit organization called the Dignified Learning Project that engage closely with the surrounding community regarding education, and have (and continue to teach) all of my classes from a community-based philosophy."
Jill Esbenshade
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
"I have conducted community-engaged research projects in collaboration with local community organizations for the past two decades, primarily on the subjects of labor and immigration policy. Almost all of my classes involve students in community engagement in the form of group research projects and/or community service. I also serve on the boards of the San Diego based Center for Policy Initiatives and the Washington DC-based Workers' Rights Consortium, which I helped found."
Minjeong Kim
Ph.D., University at Albany, SUNY
"My research examines immigrant communities to and from South Korea, with focus on family and gender relations. Also, I am interested in their integration process where ethnic identity, state policies, and stratification can shape different experiences and paths for immigrants."
Enrico Marcelli
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Southern California
Norah P. Shultz
Professor & Chair
Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College
“When I teach SOC 470 the class does not simply learn about surveys and experimental research. The students participate in community based research by working with an organization or city in the region. They design, distribute, and analyze a survey to answer a question that the community group needs answered for a particular problem or project.”
Associated Faculty
Joseph Gibbons
Ph.D., University at Albany, State University of New York
Hank Johnston
Ph.D., University of California, San Diego
Ruth X. Liu
Ph.D., Texas A&M University
Michael McCall
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Washington University (St. Louis)
Michael J. Roberts
Ph.D., City University of New York, Graduate Center