two people working together on laptops


CCRE Publications

Unpaid and Unware cover

Unpaid and Unaware: Wage Theft and Labor Rights Enforcement in San Diego City and County
Center for Community Research and Engagement (CCRE) of the San Diego State University Department of Sociology and the Center on Policy Initiatives
July 2024

Non-Compliance with Earned Sick Days Law in San DiegoReport Cover

Non-Compliance with Earned Sick Days Law in San Diego
Center for Community Research and Engagement (CCRE) of the San Diego State University Department of Sociology and the Center on Policy Initiatives
April 2021

Time Theft Report Cover

Time Theft: Employer Scheduling Practices and Their Impacts on San Diego County Workers
Center for Community Research and Engagement (CCRE) of the San Diego State University Department of Sociology and the Center on Policy Initiatives
September 2020

Robo de tiempo Theft Report Cover

Robo de Tiempo: Prácticas de los empleadores programando horarios y sus impactos en los trabajadores del condado de San Diego
Center for Community Research and Engagement (CCRE) of the San Diego State University Department of Sociology and the Center on Policy Initiatives
September 2020

Right to Seek Asylum Report Cover

The Right to Seek Asylum: Migrants’ Stories of the Struggle for Human Rights, Dignity, Peace and Justice in the United States
ACLU Foundation of San Diego & Imperial Counties and SDSU Center for Community Research and Engagement
December 2019



Publications By Topic


The Emergence of a Transborder Koreatown in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region

Kim, Minjeong. 2020. “The Emergence of a Transborder Koreatown in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region.” In Koreatowns: Exploring the Economics, Politics, and Identities of Korean Spatial Formations, edited by Jinwon Kim, Soo Mee Kim, and Stephen Cho Suh. Lexington Books.

Right to Seek Asylum Report Cover

The Right to Seek Asylum: Migrants’ Stories of the Struggle for Human Rights, Dignity, Peace and Justice in the United States
ACLU Foundation of San Diego & Imperial Counties and SDSU Center for Community Research and Engagement
December 2019

Toward a Healthy California Report Cover

Toward a Healthy California: Why Improving Access to Medical Insurance for Unauthorized Immigrants Matters For the Golden State
San Diego State University, the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration, and the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
December 2015

Unauthorized and Uninsured Report Cover

Unauthorized and Uninsured: Building Healthy Communities in California (and Fact Sheets)
San Diego State University and the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration
February 2015

Ensuring California’s Future by Insuring California’s UndocumentedReport Cover

Ensuring California’s Future by Insuring California’s Undocumented: Why Excluding Undocumented Californians from the Affordable Care Act Hurts All of Us
San Diego State University, the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration, and the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
May 2014

Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Smoking among Legal and Unauthorized Brazilian Migrants in Metropolitan Boston

Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Smoking among Legal and Unauthorized Brazilian Migrants in Metropolitan Boston
University of California San Francisco Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education and San Diego State University Department of Sociology
December 2014

What's at Stake for the State Report Cover

What's at Stake for the State: Undocumented Californians, Immigration Reform, and Our Future Together
The USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration, and San Diego State University
May 2013

An Assessment of DNA Testing for African Refugees Report Cover

An Assessment of DNA Testing for African Refugees
Immigration Policy Center
October 2010

Local Immigration Regulation

Esbenshade, Jill,  Obzurt, Barbara. 2008. “Local Immigration Regulation: A Problematic Trend in Public Policy.”  In Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy: 20, 32.


Unpaid and Unware cover

Unpaid and Unaware: Wage Theft and Labor Rights Enforcement in San Diego City and County
Center for Community Research and Engagement (CCRE) of the San Diego State University Department of Sociology and the Center on Policy Initiatives
July 2024

Non-Compliance with Earned Sick Days Law in San DiegoReport Cover

Non-Compliance with Earned Sick Days Law in San Diego
Center for Community Research and Engagement (CCRE) of the San Diego State University Department of Sociology and the Center on Policy Initiatives
April 2021

Time Theft Report Cover

Time Theft: Employer Scheduling Practices and Their Impacts on San Diego County Workers
Center for Community Research and Engagement (CCRE) of the San Diego State University Department of Sociology and the Center on Policy Initiatives
September 2020

Robo de tiempo Theft Report Cover

Robo de Tiempo: Prácticas de los empleadores programando horarios y sus impactos en los trabajadores del condado de San Diego
Center for Community Research and Engagement (CCRE) of the San Diego State University Department of Sociology and the Center on Policy Initiatives
September 2020

Confronting Wage Theft Report Cover

Confronting Wage Theft: Barriers to Claiming Unpaid Wages in San Diego
San Diego State University Department of Sociology, the Center on Policy Initiatives, and the Employee Rights Center of San Diego
July 2017

Enfrentando el Robo de Sueldo Report Cover

Informe web: Enfrentando el Robo de Sueldo
San Diego State University Department of Sociology, the Center on Policy Initiatives, and the Employee Rights Center of San Diego
July 2017

Shorted Report Cover

Shorted: Wage Theft, Time Theft, and Discrimination in San Diego County Restaurant Jobs
San Diego State University Department of Sociology and the Center on Policy Initiatives
June 2015

Estafado Report Cover

Estafado: Robo de sueldo, robo de tiempo y discriminación en los restaurantes del condado de San Diego
San Diego State University Department of Sociology and the Center on Policy Initiatives
June 2015

The mediating effect of civic community on social growth: The importance of reciprocity

Brown, Timothy C., Forsyth, Craig J., and Berthelot, Emily R. 2014. “The mediating effect of civic community on social growth: The importance of reciprocity.” In The Social Science Journal 51: 219–230.

Driven to Despair Report Cover

Driven to Despair: A Survey of San Diego Taxi Drivers
San Diego State University and the Center on Policy Initiatives
May 2013

Overworked and Undermined Report Cover

County Employees: Overworked and Undermined - Impacts of San Diego County Reorganization on Family Resource Centers
San Diego State University Department of Sociology and Center on Policy Initiatives
May 2011


Community-Based Health Interventions in an Institutional Context

Choi, Jung Min, John W. Murphy, Ramsey Dahab, and Charlene Holkenbrink-Monk. 2019. “Community-Based Funding and Budgeting: Participatory Budgeting as a Transformative Act.” Pp. 39-51 in Community-Based Health Interventions in an Institutional Context, edited by S. Arxer et al. New York: Springer Publishers.

Dialogue, World Entry, and Community-Based Interventions

Choi, Jung Min. 2017. “Dialogue, World Entry, and Community-Based Interventions.” Pp. 55-66 in Dimensions of Community-Based Projects in Health Care, edited by S. Arxer et. New York: Springer Publishers.

Toward a Healthy California Report Cover

Murphy, John W., Berkeley Frantz, Jung Min Choi, and Karen Callaghan. 2017. Narrative Medicine and Community-Based Healthcare and Planning. New York: Springer Publishers.

Toward a Healthy California Report Cover

Toward a Healthy California: Why Improving Access to Medical Insurance for Unauthorized Immigrants Matters For the Golden State
San Diego State University, the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration, and the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
December 2015

Unauthorized and Uninsured Report Cover

Unauthorized and Uninsured: Building Healthy Communities in California (and Fact Sheets)
San Diego State University and the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration
February 2015

Ensuring California’s Future by Insuring California’s UndocumentedReport Cover

Ensuring California’s Future by Insuring California’s Undocumented: Why Excluding Undocumented Californians from the Affordable Care Act Hurts All of Us
San Diego State University, the USC Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration, and the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
May 2014

Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Smoking among Legal and Unauthorized Brazilian Migrants in Metropolitan Boston

Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Smoking among Legal and Unauthorized Brazilian Migrants in Metropolitan Boston
University of California San Francisco Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education and San Diego State University Department of Sociology
December 2014

(In)Visible (Im)Migrants: The Health and Socioeconomic Integration of Brazilians in Metropolitan Boston

(In)Visible (Im)Migrants: The Health and Socioeconomic Integration of Brazilians in Metropolitan Boston
Brazilian Immigrant Center, San Diego State University Center for Behavioral and Community Health Studies (BACH), and Dominican Development Center

Politically Correct Education in the Era of Donald Trump

Choi, Jung Min and Auldridge, Trevor. 2018. “Politically Correct Education in the Era of Donald Trump.” In Political Correctness in the Era of Trump: Threat to Freedom or Ideological Scapegoat?

Neoliberalism and Education: The Disfiguration of Students

Choi, Jung Min. 2016. “Neoliberalism and Education: The Disfiguration of Students.” In Neoliberalism, Economic Radicalism, and the Normalization of Violence.

Educating the Education President

Choi, Jung Min, Vavuris, Tashina J.  and Ono, Mariko. 2012. “Educating the ‘Education President’”. In Grading the 44th President: A Report Card on Barack Obama's First Term as a Progressive Leader.

The Emergence of a Transborder Koreatown in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region

Abraham, Leola A., Brown, Timothy C., and Thomas, Shaun A. 2020. “How COVID-19’s Disruption of the U.S. Correctional System Provides an Opportunity for Decarceration.” In American Journal of Criminal Justice.

Close only counts in alcohol and violence: Controlling violence near late-night alcohol establishments using a routine activities approach

Burgason, Kyle A., Drawve, Grant, Brown, Timothy C. and Eassey, John. 2017. “Close only counts in alcohol and violence: Controlling violence near late-night alcohol establishments using a routine activities approach.” In Journal of Criminal Justice 50: 62-68.

Re-Considering the Structural Covariates of Gun Crime: An Examination of Direct and Moderated Effects

Dierenfeldt, Rick,  Brown, Timothy C., and Roles, Rocio A. 2016.  “Re-Considering the Structural Covariates of Gun Crime: An Examination of Direct and Moderated Effects.” In Deviant Behavior 38:2, 208-225.

The Influence of Rapid Social Change on Civic Community and Perceptions of Crime and Disorder

Brown, Timothy C.  2011. “The Influence of Rapid Social Change on Civic Community and Perceptions of Crime and Disorder.” In International Journal of Rural Criminology 1 (1): 89-104.



Is it all about race? Intergroup threat and perceptions of racial profiling

Shaun A. Thomas , Kyle A. Burgason, Timothy Brown & Emily Berthelot. 2017. "Is it all about race? Intergroup threat and perceptions of racial profiling." In Criminal Justice Studies: 30:4, 401-420.

An Assessment of DNA Testing for African Refugees Report Cover

An Assessment of DNA Testing for African Refugees
Immigration Policy Center
October 2010

Local Immigration Regulation

Esbenshade, Jill,  Obzurt, Barbara. 2008. “Local Immigration Regulation: A Problematic Trend in Public Policy.”  In Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy: 20, 32.

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